Attention: All Nebraska TBF Members

All Nebraska TBF Members:

Effective immediately the following procedures will be in effect for the remainder of 2020 at all tournaments.

• All participants must pre-register prior to the event.
• All boaters and non-boaters are informed before the tournament as to their boat position and drawing of partners.
• All personnel (anglers and tournament staff) at check-in and weigh-in will be required to wear face masks.
• Upon arrival all boaters are to stay with their boats and not mingle in any type of group setting. Check-in will occur one boat at a time, and with only one representative per boat.
• Tournament take-off sequence will be directed by the last boater.
• Upon arrival at the end of the tournament, at the takeoff dock, all participants will remain in their boats until their name is called by the weigh-in official at which time they would be allowed to dock their boat and get their vehicle to load their boat.
• Tournament directors will issue only 4 weigh-in bags (maximum) at a time, to control congestion at the time of weigh in.
• Once the boat is loaded and parked, only one participant at a time, would unload the fish and bring them to the scales for weighing. Fish should either be released immediately by the angler at the dock. The weigh-in bag will then be returned to tournament officials.
• All participants and officials must use disposable gloves to handle weigh-in bags.
• The weigh-in process would continue and tournament sponsors would keep announcing weights (or broadcasting on social media) so that anglers no longer in contention would be asked to leave. Anglers still in contention must stay with their vehicles, away from weigh-in, until the process is completed.
• At the conclusion of the weigh-in, a minimal number people (4-6 tournament officials and participants combined) will gather for presentations of awards and payouts along with photographs.
• Social distancing to be enforced so that no than 2 people would be next to each other for the award process.
• Weigh-in and award photos will only be taken of individuals ……………….. no group photos.